Lodge Ireland 2000

About Us

Lodge Ireland 2000 was founded in the year 2000. It is the only Internet lodge under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland.

We meet physically four times a year on the island of Ireland. On the last Sunday of each month except December we 'chat' on-line. We also carry out some procedures, such as voting for affiliates, on-line.

We do not give degrees as only Master Masons may affiliate to the Lodge. We have affiliates from many Grand Lodges around the world.

The four 'physical' meetings are held in various locations always on Saturday afternoon. The January or installation meeting is held in a location as chosen by the incoming Worshipful Master. The June meeting is held in Dublin on the Saturday immediately after the June communication of Grand Lodge. It is at this meeting that we often have some of our 'foreign' members present. The other two meetings are held in various locations as decided by the Lodge members. One of the communications each year is often held as part of a weekend event.

Visitors from any Grand Lodge in fraternal communication with the Grand Lodge of Ireland are always welcome to join our physical communications.